各類「螺帽」的中英名稱 | Names Of Various Types Of Screws



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Hex Cap Nuts   六角鋸齒螺帽 Hex Serrated Nuts
六角凸緣螺帽、法蘭螺帽 Hex Flange Nuts   六角長型螺帽、高腳螺帽 Hex Coupling Nuts、High Nuts
圓螺帽 Round Nuts   四角螺帽、方型螺帽 Square Nuts
管用螺帽 Pipe Nuts   輪殼螺帽、輪胎螺帽 Wheel Nuts
蝶型螺帽、翼形螺帽 Wing Nuts   U 形螺帽、自鎖螺帽 U Nuts
T 形螺帽、四角釘 T Nuts、Tee Nuts、T-slot Nut   環首螺帽、吊環 螺帽 Eye Nuts
齒形螺帽、防鬆螺帽、K帽 Kep Nuts、K Nuts   齒花螺帽、滾花螺帽 Knurled Nuts
耐候鋼六角重型螺帽 Corten Steel Heavy Hex Nuts   焊接螺帽 Weld Nuts
高張力螺帽 Heigh Strength Nuts   不鏽鋼螺帽 Stainless Steel Nuts
銅螺帽 Brass Nuts   城堡螺帽&堡型螺帽 Castle Nuts、Castellated Nut
合金鋼螺帽 Alloy Steel Nuts   壁虎螺帽 Anchor Nuts
大尺寸螺帽 Big Size Nuts   盤形華司螺帽 Conical Washer Nuts
突緣尼龍(防鬆)蓋帽 Flange Nylon Lock Nuts   平面華司螺帽 Flat Washer Nuts
六角割溝螺帽、城堡螺帽 Hex Slotted Nut   自鎖螺帽、防鬆螺帽 Self-Locking Nuts
制止螺帽 Sliding Nuts   SLN-自動防鬆螺帽 SLN、Self-Locking Nuts
六角螺帽 Hex Nuts、HEX. Nut   六角重型螺帽 Heavy Hex Nuts
薄型螺帽 Hex Jam Nuts   尼龍(嵌入)防鬆螺帽 Nylon Lock Nuts
拉帽 Rivet Nut   鉚合螺帽 Self Clinching Nut
籠罩螺帽、籠形螺母浮動螺帽 Cage Nut   預埋螺帽、埋入螺帽 Nut
盲鉚釘、拉釘 Blind rivet   盲孔拉帽、拉帽 Blind (Rivet) Nut
手轉螺帽、拇指螺帽 Thumb Nut   快速螺帽 Push Nut
夾片螺母 Clip Nut   六角螺柱、螺柱、柱帽 Standoff



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Heavy Duty Wheel Hub Nuts   鐵蓋袋帽 Closed End Acorn Nuts
雞眼、扣眼、雞眼扣 Eyelet、Grommet   不鏽鋼突緣螺帽、法蘭螺帽 Stainless Steel Flange Nuts
不鏽鋼六角輪緣尼龍螺帽、法蘭尼龍螺帽 Stainless Steel Flange Nylon Lock Nuts   不鏽鋼六角重型螺帽 Stainless Steel Heavy Hex Nuts
不鏽鋼六角螺帽 Stainless Steel Hex Nuts   不鏽鋼尼龍(嵌入)螺帽&防鬆螺帽 Stainless Steel Nylon Lock Nuts
彈簧螺帽 Spring Nuts   鐵器焊接蓋形螺帽、袋帽 Acorn Welding Cap Nuts
金屬預置扭矩式螺帽 All-Metal Prevailing Torque Type Nuts   機械螺絲用六角螺帽 Hex Machine Screw Nut
鐵蓋袋帽 Closed End Acorn Nuts   圓蓋螺帽&銜螺帽 Acorn Nuts
錐形螺帽&錐度螺帽 Taper Nut   建業用螺帽 Structural Nuts